04 October 2007

The National at the Showbox

On Tuesday night I went to the Showbox to see The National, a band that grew into one of my favorites as the dark songs on Alligator crept into my consciousness during late night listens. Like the many fans they gathered on Alligator, I was happily rewarded when I turned my ears to the even more subtle sounds of Boxer. I was looking forward to a seriously intense concert.

And the National delivered. When they took the stage, I finally sorted out who were brothers (because it is so damn obvious in person) and I got used to the idea that it was gonna be a loud show. The Showbox has bright lights and shiny streamers as a backdrop to the stage. Between that, Beringer not playing an instrument, and the serious volume they put out, it didn't feel like the dark, smoky bar setting that I picture when I hear their music on album. That was okay, though, because the live show wasn't nearly as understated as the albums -- it really rocked.

They stuck mostly to Alligator and Boxer, moving deftly between loud rockers and mellower tunes that were still loud and rocking. All that volume made me particularly appreciative when they slowed down for "Daughters of the Soho Riots," one of my favorite songs. They kept the intensity of the louder songs, but channeled it to the hushed room. If people still held up lighters at shows, they might have during that song. Beringer and company eventually built to a crescendo when they closed with "Mr. November," an explosion of energy and angst, and the best song of the night.

It was a great show for me. It made a couple grower albums grow on me even more. And it gave me a new context for hearing the albums. It's not just for late night drives and writing on a rainy day. The National are some serious rock music.

Upcoming concerts:

Oct 5: The Weakerthans at Neumos
Nov 8: Emma Pollock at the Crocodile


cholstro said...

Here are someone's pics from the show.

Moe said...

It doesn't sound like you were completely blown away by them live like I was. Or am I just not reading it right?

I thought they were a completely different band live, so much better then what I thought was an already great recorded one.

Moe said...

Oh, and who opened?

cholstro said...

The opener was St. Vincent. She was somewhere between unlistenable and awful. Surprised me because I thought her album showed some potential.

As for how blown away I was with the National, I think that I like the albums too much and rate them too highly as a band to be that blown away. Their concert was different and better than I expected, but overall I expected a great show with great songs and got it.

cholstro said...

Here's the Seattlest post about the show. They seemed to like St. Vincent much more than I did. I'll admit her performance was probably love it or hate it.