26 October 2007

Cold Morning

Because of the soul-crashing, life-destroying commute from Seattle to the Eastside, I've split my week into early days and late days. On early days, I get up at 6:00, drive across the bridge before traffic, go for a run in Kirkland, and then grab breakfast. The good part of early days is that I leave by 3:00 in the afternoon to beat the worst of the traffic back to Seattle.

This morning was an early morning -- and a damn cold morning. I hadn't scraped frost off my car for a long time, but I did in the still-dark parking lot this morning. As I drove to Kirkland, I heard the calm voice of KUOW tell me that is was 38 degrees out. Now, I'm loving the change of seasons that I missed in California. And as a Minnesota native, I shouldn't blink at above freezing temperatures. The thing is, though, that I never thought about chilly pre-dawn runs when I lived in Minnesota.

I pulled into work wearing my running gear (including warm hat and gloves) and stretched briefly before I realized that I just couldn't go for a run. It was too damn cold and too damn early. Instead of running, I went into the office, took a hot shower, and grabbed a bowl of oatmeal. Perfect.

Now the sun is up and melting the frost for what should be a beautiful fall day. I'll take my run this afternoon back in Seattle. With reasonable temperatures, thank you.


cholstro said...

I should contrast this with yesterday: I slept in, biked to the new Seattle office, and had myself a great morning. Can't wait to transfer to that office. It is gorgeous.

Moe said...

That's funny, though nice to see you back in a climate with actual temp changes. It'll be interesting to see how your training goes over the winter, with it being so much colder up there.

I'm surprised they don't have a fitness center at the Kirkland office.

cholstro said...

They give you a free membership at 24 Hour Fitness, which is across the street. I haven't bothered to sign up because I'm hoping to move offices soon and I mostly just go running. Better to run the streets than a treadmill.