25 September 2007

From the nonspecific Northwest

Last night all the cool kids in Seattle were at the Arcade Fire and LCD Soundsystem concert. But all the really cool kids were at Croc for the Lucksmiths, Math and Physics Club, and Fred Astereo.

Fred Astereo opened the show to an almost empty room. I hadn't heard him before, but he proved a charming and tuneful performer, a bit like Jonathan Richman and Stephin Merritt. I might have even seen some indie sweethearts swooning.

Next were Math and Physics Club, in a hometown show. I'm a big fan of their EPs and album, but unfortunately they lacked energy and were a bit rusty, forgetting lyrics and making false starts on many of their songs. They performed a new song, "Do you keep a diary," that bodes well for their soon-to-be-released EP, though. And they won the crowd with their self-effacing good humor.

The Lucksmiths were the main draw. They were touring in support of B-sides and rarities double CD Spring a Leak, so they did the smart thing and put together a greatest hits setlist. They played everything from their most fun and peppy song "T-shirt Weather" to their very best song, "Fiction." It was one great song after another. The momentum of the set was slowed, though, by a series of broken strings and charming but uncharacteristically uninteresting storytelling that filled the gaps.

Still, it was a fun night out, a good night for music, and my first concert back in Seattle, at my favorite venue, the Crocodile. It was strange to see how small the place was and think about going to Death Cab shows there back in the We Have the Facts... and Photo Album days.

Upcoming concerts:

Oct 2: The National and St. Vincent at the Showbox
Oct 5: The Weakerthans at Neumos
Nov 8: Emma Pollock at the Crocodile


cholstro said...

One of the great things about the Lucksmiths is that they get out and interact with the fans. I bought my CD directly from Mark, and Tali was in the crowd for the other performers. Very down-to-earth and friendly guys.

cholstro said...

Oh yeah, the post title is taken from the Lucksmiths' song "Chapter in My Life Entitled San Francisco," which was fun to hear now that I've mostly closed that chapter.

Moe said...

Sounds like a fun show, at least the Lucksmiths, and at a great venue. I think I might need you to make me a mix, or just a list, of the best Lucksmiths songs.

Did you have any beers at the show?

Moe said...

Oh, and just for historic evidence. The Death Cab and Pedro the Lion show was back on 11/11/2000.

cholstro said...

No beers. I've been drinking too much for a guy with a mararthon lesss than two months away. I just had water in a beer cup and looked like I was having beer.

I've been thinking about putting together a greatest hits for the Lucksmiths. I've got every album, so I can make it comprehensive. Hopefully in the next couple weeks.

cholstro said...

Seattlest reviews the other show.

cholstro said...

Just found this video of Lucksmiths singer and drummer Tali performing Hey Ya!